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The fundamental, underlying philosophy of spiritual healing centres on the notion of the connectedness of all at an ‘energetic’ level, which is now supported by quantum physics. It is considered that healing, through the input of thought at an energetic level, can influence the harmony of the mind, body and spirit.

Psychic Medium

I feel blessed to have developed this gift since I was a child.

In these personal sessions I have helped people move through areas of loss, grief, guilt and anger. I feel very humble that I am able to provide guidance and it is my life's purpose to help people hear and receive messages from their loved ones and friends. 


My passion in life is to help people move through the Tides of Life. 


Life Coaching Sessions

I provide a non-clinical, non-judgemental space in which I work one on one with you to empower you to make positive changes in your daily life.


Life Coaching is an alternative form of counselling which allows me to see the whole person. Which in turn gains access to the blockages, challenges, grief or hurt.


We are then able to work through the unspoken words of the stress, trauma, anxiety and anger. 


Empowering you for your own self healing. 


The body, mind and spirit are connected. The health of any one of those three seems to affect the health of the others.

- Su Mason
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